SEGA’s Yakuza franchise, now known as Like a Dragon, is being adapted by Prime Video. Set to launch on October 24, the series focuses on the lives of passionate gangsters and people living in Kamurochō, a fictional district heavily inspired by Shinjuku ward’s Kabukichō. The series promises to showcase modern Japan and the dramatic stories of these characters, including the legendary Kazuma Kiryu.
At San Diego Comic-Con, Prime Video announced the casting of Kento Kaku as Akira Nishikiyama, also known as Nishiki. Along with the official teaser, series lead Ryoma Takeuchi joined the stage with Kento Kaku, James Farrell, Head of International Originals at Amazon MGM Studios, and Erik Barmack, the show’s executive producer. The series will span from 1995 to 2005 and will follow the lives of childhood friends and the consequences of Kiryu’s decisions as a Yakuza warrior. Like a Dragon: Yakuza is directed by Masaharu Take, known for 100 Yen Love, Eden, and The Gun.