Sonic and his friends are heading to Tokyo this holiday season to confront a new rival: Shadow the Hedgehog. Voiced by Keanu Reeves, Shadow the Hedgehog makes his film debut in Sonic the Hedgehog 3, arriving in theaters on December 20, 2024. For those unfamiliar with Shadow, he was created by Dr. Eggman’s grandfather, Professor Gerald Robotnik, who also appears in the trailer. To deal with the new threat, Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles turn to an unlikely person for assistance. Although Shadow is clearly the antagonist in this film, he eventually becomes an ally to Sonic in the games.
New to the cast along with Reeves is Krysten Ritter, who is in an unknown role. Idris Elba returns as Knuckles, while Colleen O’Shaughnessey is once again Tails, and, of course, Ben Schwartz continues to play Sonic.