At the 2023 Tokyo Game Show, Capcom unveiled close to nine minutes of gameplay for the upcoming Dragon’s Dogma 2. Hideaki Itsuno, the Game Director, shared further details for the highly anticipated fantasy action-RPG and sequel to the 2012 original, which is currently under development for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. Set to be a single-player, narrative-driven RPG, Dragon’s Dogma 2 will have players choosing their own path, from creating their character to selecting their companions for their journey.
The video features Itsuno explaining the Pawn AI companions and some of their available vocations. He also shares details on the two nations players will be exploring on their journey, Vermund and Battahl. A major focus of Dragon’s Dogma 2 lies in enabling players to use their creativity to carve a unique adventure through the game. The adventure begins with the creation of their Arisen, choosing from these vocations: Fighter, Archer, Thief, and Mage. Later on, more vocations will unlock including Magick Archer and Mystic Spearhand, which are exclusive to the player Arisen. Players will have the ability to change the vocation of their Arisen and main Pawn at any time.
Dragon’s Dogma 2 currently does not have a release date.