Quick Verdict
Final Fantasy XVI: Echoes of the Fallen DLC boils down to a long side quest featuring a dungeon run and several boss fights. It’s not a lengthy DLC, clocking in at around three to four hours, and it’s light on narrative. Although it does explore more of the Fallen, it remains uninteresting and the lack of further character development for the cast is a disappointment.
If you’re a fan of Final Fantasy XIV, however, there are a couple moments in Echoes of the Fallen that are a real treat. This DLC mirrors the kind of content typically seen in an x.1 or x.2 post-expansion patch of Final Fantasy XIV. Similar to those patches, the new music tracks from Soken and his team stood out to me more than the content itself.
Ancient Echoes

Let’s get this out of the way. Final Fantasy XVI: Echoes of the Fallen isn’t particularly interesting or captivating. Those expecting more story and character development will likely find themselves disappointed. Creative Business Unit III, for better or worse, remains in its comfort zone, treating this DLC akin to a post-expansion content patch from Final Fantasy XIV. In fact, I feel like Echoes of the Fallen was carefully crafted specifically for Final Fantasy XIV players. The moment I heard the notes play after accepting the DLC’s first quest, I instantly knew what to expect. Those who have completed the Alliance Raid in Stormblood will immediately recognize the tune.
Taking anywhere from three to four hours to complete, Echoes of the Fallen starts off with a healthy dose of dialogue before Clive, Jill, Joshua, and Torgal head off to uncover the mystery behind these “dusk crystals” that have been appearing. Following the introduction of several new characters, the party reaches the Sagespire, a dungeon filled with monsters and bosses. That’s where the bulk of the DLC takes place and like the rest of Final Fantasy XVI, it has some bright moments and many dull ones.
Away With the Tide

Despite not having played Final Fantasy XVI since July, I quickly reacclimated to the game’s combat system. It reminded me just how much I did enjoy the combat system in Final Fantasy XVI (review) and while I did find issues with the game’s difficulty, Echoes of the Fallen offers several fights that require more than mindless button spamming. Players familiar with Final Fantasy XIV will recognize some mechanics in these fights, an element I wished was more prevalent in the base game. The DLC introduces new equipment and interesting accessories, although none radically change the playstyle.
Like those Final Fantasy XIV post-expansion patches, the best part comes at the end, and that’s where Echoes of the Fallen really shines if you’re a Final Fantasy XIV player. The entire fight with Omega will put a smile on your face as you jam out to another rendition of eScape blasting in your ears. Soken continues working his magic with the soundtrack, and that alone is worth the $9.99 price of admission, at least to me. Although I was disappointed to not see the words Starboard and Larboard flash on my screen, I did love the fact that Wave Cannon and Pantokrator made an appearance.
Come Ride, Heroes, Ride

Echoes of the Fallen reinforces my belief in adapting the Final Fantasy XIV Hydaelyn vs. Zodiark story into a single-player adventure with a Final Fantasy XVI skin. It’s just so fun dancing around Final Fantasy XIV mechanics in Final Fantasy XVI and I hope more of that makes an appearance in the next DLC, The Rising Tide.
Those who enjoyed Final Fantasy XVI and its combat system will likely find Echoes of the Fallen appealing. However, if you seek substantial lore, deeper story elements, or further exploration of characters like Jill and Joshua, the DLC may disappoint. Even the story bits on the Fallen are underwhelming. I especially recommend the experience to Final Fantasy XIV players who enjoyed the Omega Raid in Stormblood, and even those who tried to take on The Omega Protocol Ultimate Raid. It’s never a bad time to beat down Omega, especially when it’s the team behind Creative Business Unit III designing the fight.
Final Fantasy XVI: Echoes of the Fallen DLC was released on December 7, 2023 on PlayStation 5. This review is based on a purchased retail copy of the DLC on PlayStation 5. While FullCleared does have affiliate partnerships, they do not influence our editorial content. We may, however, earn commissions for products purchased via affiliate links.