The Shinobi Franchise Returns in August


Shinobi Art of Vengeance

By: Jason Siu


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Shinobi: Art of Vengeance launches August 29

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At The Game Awards 2023, Sega confirmed it has plans to revive several of its legacy franchises. During today’s State of Play, we got our first look at one of those returning franchises with Shinobi: Art of Vengeance. Set to launch on August 29, 2025, the game is developed by the same team behind Streets of Rage 4, Lizardcube. It’s a stylish 2D side-scroller that captures the essence of the Shinobi series but with a modern twist.

The team shared that the game is inspired by The Revenge of Shinobi and Shinobi III, originally launched on the Sega Genesis. Returning players can expect to see familiar enemies, stages, and bosses, such as the Bamboo Forest stage. While those same players should recognize the name Joe Musashi, the game’s protagonist, the team wants to make it clear that Shinobi: Art of Vengeance is a brand-new title with a fresh story. This means newcomers to the franchise don’t need to worry about playing past installments.

Like previous Shinobi titles, this new entry will be a level-based game, but it has a modern twist. Players will unlock certain abilities in later stages that will give them the ability to explore hidden routes, discovering secrets they couldn’t access in previous stages. It adds some replayability, but don’t expect it to be a traditional Metroidvania with one massive map.

The combat seen in the announcement trailer looks slick, and it’s clear Lizardcube is putting a lot of focus into its gameplay. We’re just glad to hear the Shinobi franchise is making a return, especially after last month’s announcement of a new Ninja Gaiden game in development.

Shinobi: Art of Vengeance Announcement Trailer

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With over 20 years in online publishing, Jason Siu is the Community and Production Director at Autoverse Studios, where he also contributes to the design and development of Auto Legends. His extensive background includes serving as Content Director at VerticalScope and writing about cars for prominent sites like AutoGuide, The Truth About Cars, EV Pulse, FlatSixes, and Tire Authority. As a co-founder of and former West Coast Editor of Modified Magazine, Jason has also authored two books for CarTech Books. In his spare time, he founded FullCleared to channel his passion for gaming, with a particular fondness for RPGs.

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