Insomniac Games, the studio behind PlayStation’s Marvel’s Spider-Man titles and Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart, has announced that its President and Founder, Ted Price, is retiring at the end of March. Price has been at the helm of Insomniac for over 30 years and said he felt it was simply time to step aside and let others pave the way for the team. In 2024, Price worked with the senior leadership team at Insomniac Games to create a succession plan that will consist of Chad Dezern, Ryan Schneider, and Jen Huang serving as the company’s new Co-Studio Heads.
According to Price, the three have been instrumental in making Insomniac Games what it is today, and their skill sets are complementary. Ryan Schneider has been with Insomniac since the PlayStation 2 era and started in studio marketing and communications before becoming the company’s first community director. He has served multiple studio roles, including Head of Franchise Strategy & Studio Relations and Head of Brand & Leadership Strategy. Jen Huang has served as CFO and Head of Finance for the last eight years. Prior to joining Insomniac Games, Huang was a senior finance executive for global tech and entertainment businesses. Lastly, Chad Dezern joined the studio in 1998, and has served as Environment Artist, Art Director, Studio Director for the Durham studio, and most recently, Head of Creative.
“Our shared intention is to preserve what has made Insomniac special for 30-plus years while exploring how we can strategically evolve to succeed for decades to come,” the three shared in a PlayStation Blog post. “We’ll continue prioritizing our studio culture, built around transparency and collaboration. We strive for a workplace where employees can do the best work of their careers.”